Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Time Keeps All Lost Souls
So in keeping with the gothic theme I have going here, I used "Funeral of Hearts" which is a collaboration between Yarrow and Chaos Priestess. There are some absolutely fabulous elements in there!!! If you'd like to take a turn at the tutorial you can find it here, and remember that I would love to see any results from my tuts *s*.

Southern Vampire Series
Almost forgot to share with you the link I received in my email today! Charlaine Harris has posted the first chapter of "Dead in the Family"!! I am so excited for May when the book publishes. If you'd like to take a peek you can find it here. Enjoy!!
True Blood,
Fallen Angel
So is there anyone out there other than me that isn't done with their Christmas shopping?! I feel so alone, lol. I actually thought that I'd have to wait til Thursday to shop, but our company decided to be nice and gift us with our paychecks a day early so I'm hitting the stores tomorrow to do ALL of my shopping. So you've been warned...outta the way woman on a mission!! Hell, I just sent out my Christmas cards yesterday. Just haven't been into the whole Christmas thing this year. We didn't get a tree again this year so the only decorating that I've done is downstairs I have a drop ceiling that I hang pine garland from that I decorate with white lights and gold/white/maroon goodies and I have a few of my vintage Santa's out. I have been playing Trans Siberian Orchestra, so that counts as Christmas carols right? Nevermind that I play them year round *s*. Still haven't heard if I'm working Christmas Day or not. I requested to just work the morning shift over a month ago, but they haven't decided yet. It would be nice to have the whole day off since I worked Turkey Day, but hey, can't be picky I guess. I finished up this tut when I got home today and I'm rather fond of it. Two using Yarrow's kits, she's gonna think I'm stalking her pretty soon. This kit is a revision of an older one and I think she did a fantastic job! It's Black No.1 and part of the kits that she has on sale right now at Digital Chaos. If you'd like to give it a try, you can find it here.

Monday, December 21, 2009
Villainess of Love
So I've been seeing a lot of sales come through my email, and I've done really good with not purchasing because it's well, Christmas, and you're supposed to buy for others not yourself. Then Yarrow sends through an unbelievable sale that I just couldn't resist. I have reasoned it out as a present to myself since I'm on the naughty list anyway lol. I adore her gothic kits, they always have fantastic elements. So while hubby is snoring loudly at the wee hours of the morning, it hits me that I have to do a tut named Villainess of Love. So...here it is!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Well, I'm absolutely freezing!!! I thought using Oopsie's terrific "Merland" kit would make the snow go away, but maybe I was expecting just a teensy bit too much. It did manage to distract me long enough that for a bit I didn't realize that it's COLD!!! You know how I'm such an element fan, and I really did enjoy the goodies in this one. If you'd like to check out the tut, you can find it here.
Oopsie Daisy,
Friday, December 18, 2009
So....I was thinking...
Yeah, I know, the four worst words that ever come out of my mouth, lol. For those that don't know, I offered tags for request for years, until this fall when the requests got way out of hand. I had several people requesting large amounts of tags (limit is five at a time) and I mean large!! Ten different people had requested 150+ tags at one time, but most averaged 30+. I did very much appreciate those that followed the rules and I tried to deliver tags in a timely manner, regardless of the less than polite emails that I would receive a day later wondering where their tags were. I do miss offering the tags...so...what was I thinking you may ask? I thought about either opening the requests again and giving it one more go...or doing an always list with a cap limit. Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think. If enough people show interest, I'll go ahead and give it a whirl!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Love Me Forever
So I'm still in the Twilight mood! I'm reading blogs where some have already seen it three and fours times, well grrrr. So I have to indulge myself in more tags, which makes me stalk Cora again. This time I used "The Saga - The Renewal", really great papers I may add! If you'd like to give this tut a spin, you can find it here.

Cora's Creations,
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Stalking Jo
It's either finish putting up Christmas decorations or tag...gee that's a rough decision, lol. So I decided that Jo is going to be the lucky one that I stalk!! I had a lot of fun creating these, did one right after the other. She has great kits, and they are so easy to work with. From top to bottom, the kits are "Pink Winter", "Bad Attitude", and "Winter Chill". You can find the links to her stores on her blog here, because you'll definately want to add to your collection, and they do come in both full and tagger size!!

Creationz by Jo
Happily Ever After
Well I still haven't see "New Moon" yet *pout* Everytime I make plans something just gets in the way and I can't go *sigh* I just have to stalk Cora in the meantime for Twilight kits, lol. I used "Happily Ever After" which is part of The Saga Series. She put alot of thought into each of these kits and it really shows. If you'd like to try this tut (it's an easy one) you can find it here.

Cora's Creations,
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
I Give U My Heart
So....shhhh...don't tell Oopsie I'm stalking her, lol. I used "Mi Amor" for this tag. It's a full size kit, but it resized down beautifully so I was thrilled. It's a quick tut to do, some days you just need those =) If you'd like to give it a try, you can find it here.

Oopsie Daisy,
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Your Secret Admirer
Did ya know that Oopsie opened her own store? If not, you need to stop by and check it out, she has lots of sales going on right now. That's where I got the kit "First Bite" to do this tag. I had intended this to be a vamp tag, but got a little side tracked, but I'm very pleased with how it turned out. I simply love the elements that she included!! If you'd like to give the tutorial a try, you can find it here.

Oopsie Daisy,
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Well, Turkey Day came and gone and I'm still sick?! Was your day at least eventful? I left work at 4 and hubby's aunt was having a turkey dinner at her house for a few of us, and we all know I'm not turning down turkey! We did have a really nice time, so if you are reading this Sandy, thank you *smile*. I woke up Friday with a very raspy voice (which is a regular occurrence once I get a cold) so I new it was going to be a long day. By the end of the day, voice was gone, and I was sad. I was even sadder on Saturday when I couldn't even squeak! Sunday and Monday were about the same, but I did get to nap quite a bit. So I went back to work today sounding just like I did on Friday =( The good news is...I may get to see "New Moon" tomorrow!!! I'm so excited!!! My gf has some time off work that she needed to use, so if all goes well, we're going tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed. To celebrate, I think I'm going to go on a Twilight Saga obsession, lol. I'm hittin' up Cora's "The Saga" series for some tuts, so keep your little eyeballs peeled. First up is Bella, and you can find it here.

Cora's Creations,
Monday, November 23, 2009
Present for Santa
Well the cable company just left. I love when they send the cute ones out, lol. Anyway, apparently when they built this place they used the older style cable and it's slowly loosing signal. So....he made an appointment for me to have the house rewired. He says "just to warn ya, they make a little mess, but they SHOULD clean it up". That makes me worry right there! I had originally said no to them coming out, but since I do tech support for a living, he proceeds to explain all about the wiring, etc. and shows me how it's degrading and pretty much insists that I have the appointment. Well, ok then, cutie wins! To make it worse, I guess he's friends with the neighbor and they were in the driveway messin' around *boys - rolls eyes*. While I waited for him though, I did get a tut written using Cora's new kit that she just released, "White Christmas". The kit is my total idea of Christmas, I love the red and white, with a little gold and silver thrown in. If you'd like to give the tut a try, you'll find it on my tut blog here.

Cora's Creations,
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Only I Can Love You Forever
My internet has been intermittent since Thursday and I'm starting to get a little grouchy. I was able to post a new tutorial that I was really excited about doing since I'm in the vampy mood. I haven't been to see "New Moon" yet, going to wait til the lines go down a bit and the newness wears off. Have you seen it? A few friends say I'll be disappointed, then some were saying I'd love it. Anyway, sorry to get side tracked. I really loved working with this kit! Thank you to Cora's Creations for yet again satisfying my vampy need! If you'd like to take a bite out of this tut, you can find it here.

Cora's Creations,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A Howling Good Time
Ok, I was feelin' a little fiesty today so I thought the title I chose for this tag was pretty amusing, a little naughty, but none the less amusing, lol. So my sense of humor is a little off today, got up too early! Anyway, the kit is from Cora's Creations, "Red Riding Hood". If you'd like to try the tut, you can find it here. Enjoy!

Cora's Creations,
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Holiday Dreams
Finally tried to write a tut today! When I saw Cora's Creations new "Pink Holiday" kit I knew I had the perfect tube to match it. Can't believe all the amazing elements in this kit, was hard to choose which to use. I've been pestering hubby now for two years to let me get a different color tree (not as the main tree, just one for me to call my own), but he keeps saying no, even after I showed him the pink tree in this kit. Well pfftt! Anyway, if you'd like to give the tutorial a try, please go here. Also, if you do complete a tut from me, please send it to me so I can add ya to my slideshow =)

Cora's Creations,
Something Wicked
Since I was stalking Jo, I thought I'd use her "Wicked" kit for a non Halloween, more gothy type tag. Is that a description? Anyway, I wished I was in time to use it for Halloween, would make some really cute tags!

Creationz by Jo,
Autumn Gifts & Autumn Falls
I've been on a roll the last few days! Have to make up for missing two months I guess. I love autumn kits and found Creationz by Jo's "Autumn Falls" and am absolutely thrilled with it! The colors she chose were gorgeous so I had to make two tags!

Creationz by Jo
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Obsessive Rac Disorder
Well, it's nice to back in the land of tagging again, but taking time off made me forget what to do with PSP! I didn't have all my dll's installed so my plugins weren't working, then I couldn't remember what to do with what. So I'ma little rusty, but have some new tags though. This one is from Creationz by Jo using her "Obsessive Rac Disorder" kit which I just love!

Creationz by Jo
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Santa's Helper & Christmas Morning
See...I told ya I was back! I got my paws on Creationz by Jo's "Wonderful Time of the Year". I started with two tags, but there is so much variety in elements in here that I could tag for hours! At least that would keep me out of trouble, lol. Anyway, it is a really fantastic kit, so thank you m'dear for all the hard work you put into your designing, we all appreciate it!!!

Creationz by Jo
Monday, October 26, 2009
I'm Back!!!!!!!!
Hello All! I'm finally back after an unplanned leave. Didn't realize it was going to take a few weeks to get my computer back, but it has a new screen so I'm all excited, plus some other new internal pieces parts. Lots of things came up all at once (as they always do), but I've missed my PSP something fierce, so I'm definately ready to get back to some tagging. Going to get my blog updated as I'm sure something or other has changed, plus I've just signed up for a Facebook account (ok, so a little behind everyone else) so I need to get that link posted too! So look for me soon to have some new goodies up!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
What's New With Me
Hi all! Well, I'm still without my computer =( My old dinosaur moves so slow that it's impossible to tag, much less surf the internet. The only thing that is saving me is that I can at least check my email at work, but I'm still behind on that too. While hubby is gone today I'm sneaking on his computer to update both my blogs and remove all the blinkies and blog lists that do not apply anymore. A few stores had closed, so I'm only creating for two designers now. It's been one thing after another here, so I'm anxiously waiting for things to return to normal and I can get a schedule worked out. I'm hoping to be on track with everything by the end of the month. For those that don't know, I've finally returned to work after a year of being off, my step daughter has moved in with us, my car has issues, and to throw more chaos in there, I'm trying to pick up a second job. There's more little stuff in between, but that pretty much sums up the big stuff. So for those waiting on something or other from me, please hang in there a little longer.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Spell Gone Wrong
My laptop finally died today =( I think I overheated it for the last time. It's still under warranty thankfully, so I'm going to send it back next week for some repairs. I'm using my old one now, it's about 6 years old. My step daughter's laptop has a corrupt Vista system, so we are sharing this one. I have no idea what to do with hers because it is just out of warranty by two months. So we are going to share my dinosaur until I get my baby repaired. I spent the day trying to install my programs so I don't have too much withdrawal. I did manage to write another tutorial today too. I love the thought of a witch screwing up her spell, so that is the theme I went with. I have her turning into her familiar, lol. I used another one of Cora's kits, "Eye of Newt" and it's a brank spankin new one too!! If you'd like to give the tut a try (and I know you do) you can go here.

Totally Sweet Designs,
Alice's Dreamland
I have added a new tutorial today! This one is using Cora's Creations (formerly Pimp'd Designs)"Other Side of Wonderland". The kit has some really great papers and the elements are perfect for a fantasy tag. I'd love for ya to give it a try here.

Totally Sweet Designs,
Saturday, August 22, 2009
True Blood X 4!!
Just finished up four new True Blood tuts using the rest of Oopsie Daisy's "Bon Temps Collection". I absolutely loved each and every one of these kits!!! They do come in both tagger and full size so you have no excuse not to pick them up, lol. Each of the previews is linked to the tuts so enjoy!

Totally Sweet Designs,
True Blood,
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Vampire Bill
I just finished up the Vampire Bill tut and I thought I better get it posted before time escapes me again. I finally figured out after the 5th kit (no I'm not obsessed really) why I love this collection so much. Each kit has certain elements that are particular just for that character. If you read the books or watched the TV series on HBO, you'll know what I mean. Like the Bill kit for instance has a silver chain, Jason's has a lot of road crew things and a vial of "V", and Eric's is Fangtasia. I like to use those items because that's what I feel makes the tag special and more true to that person. To see what I'm talking about, go here. Click on the tag to go to the tut to give it a go.

Totally Sweet Designs,
True Blood,
"Bon Temps Collection - Sookie" was the next kit I used in the collection, and the tut is posted for ya.

Totally Sweet Designs,
True Blood,
The new tut featuring the "Bon Temps Collection - Jason" kit is now posted and ready for you to give it a try!

Totally Sweet Designs,
True Blood,
I had made a few True Blood tags right before I reformatted my computer, but am just now finding time to get them tutted up for ya. For those that don't know, after a year of being off work, I've finally found a job! In this area they are very hard to come by, so when this opportunity came along, I jumped on it. It isn't exactly what I wanted to do or even in my field, but it's a paycheck and I'm definately pleased with that aspect!! I'm having a hard time adjusting, especially to the hours, I don't get home til after 10 p.m. now. I have a two inch binder that is my how to do my job manual and I have to learn it all by the end of this month (and yes, there is a test, lol). It's stressing me beyond belief. So, to make a long story shorter, until I get myself all organized I'll be sparse for a bit. Not being with my mouse is going to give me separation anxiety, roflmao. Anyway, if you are a True Blood fan, you'll love the next coupla tags. If you're lookin' for Eric (I know I would be) he's a few posts back, as he was the first one I had completed. All the tags are using the "Bon Temps Collection" that Oopsie Daisy has out right now that you can find at Totally Sweet Designs. Enjoy!

Totally Sweet Designs,
True Blood,
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
New Tutorials Finally
Ok, I think I have everything in PSP set up right *crosses fingers*. I only installed a few plugins this time, I must have had 70 or so installed last time and it just got to be too many too sort through. I did finish up the three tuts that I had started, and each of the examples is linked to the page if you'd like to give it a try.

Totally Sweet Designs,
Monday, July 27, 2009
Well my laptop pushed my last button on Friday, so in went the reformat disk. Then because of my pickiness, in went that disk another three times, lol. So, finally, I think I have it the exact way I want it. All of my annoyances are fixed, 4Shared, Fotki, no sound, etc. I haven't opened up PSP yet to set all that up, but I will soon. I do have three tutorials that I need to finish up. I had already posted the tags themselves on the tut blog if you want to be nosy =) So with that, I'm off to get my email caught up....
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Fairytales Do Come True
If you're feeling whimsical, this is the tut to try, lol. I used "My Fairytale" by Missy Lynn Scraps for this one. There is the cutest book in there with wings, I love it! If you'd like to give it a try, you can do so here.

Totally Sweet Designs,
Have you ever worked with a kit that made you smile the whole time you were using it? That was how I was with this one from Missy Lynn, "Bathtime Toys". The colors are so bright and cheery, and the elements are so cute, you can't help but smile, lol. I know if someone would have walked by me while I was writing out the tut, they'da thought I lost it. If you would like to smile too, you can give the tut a try here.

Totally Sweet Designs,
I Gotta Question...
Do ya'll know what flairs are? The amusing little buttons from the 80s and 90's? TGIFridays really made them "famous" while back. Would anyone like some if I made them, personal use and free to use of course? I find them cute, and I've seen so many at the old fashioned brick and mortar stores that I thought maybe I should make a few. If it'd be something you'd think that you would want to add to your blog or forum leave me a comment (can be anonymous, I'm not picky). And yes, before someone asks, I will do Twilight ones, lol. Now comment me!!
My Wedding Day
This turned out so pretty, I'm pleased. I used Twinky's "Love and Marriage" kit, and it has a burgundy and cream color scheme, which is one of my faves. If you'd like to request it, you'll find it here.

Scraps With Attitude,
tag offer
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Time Stands Still
I was in the mood for a Twilight tag and lo and behold Designs by Helly has a kit that fit the image that I wanted to use perfectly! I used "You Are My Life Now" and am so thrilled with how this one turned out. It's not in the gallery yet, so don't everybody go runnin' at once. I'll let ya know when I put it up for request, I have to get caught up on all the requests first.

Paradise 4 Scrappers,
tag offer,
Gemini Creationz just joined Twilight Scraps and I couldn't wait to use one of her kits. I chose "Adoration" and it's absolutely beautiful. There's some really great frames in there that I thought might look great with a Twilight tag. We'll have to see...The tag is up for request though if you'd like one, and you can find it here.

tag offer,
Twilight Scraps
Flowers for my Sweetheart
Scrappin Dsigns has a really pretty pink kit out called "Pretty Girl". It has A LOT of elements, lots of flowers, and comes in full size so you could have some gorgeous layouts!

Paradise 4 Scrappers
Born to Rock n Roll
I've been itching to use this tube and found the perfect kit, thanks Missy!! I used Missy Lynn Scraps "Poisoned Rock" kit and it has the most fabby papers! If you'd like to give the tut a try you can do so here. Send me your results if you do, I'd love to make a slide show for my blog.

Totally Sweet Designs,
So I'm back stalking Missy Lynn Scraps again, lol. I used "Wings of Love" for this one and if you'd like to give this tutorial a try, you can find it here. Thanks Missy for yet another awesome kit!!

Totally Sweet Designs,
Monday, July 20, 2009
Wish You Were Here
I was happy to find another beach kit, this one by Jillann called "Beach House". Loved the colors and she has such pretty elements. It's in the Summer gallery if you'd like one.

Scrappin Bratz,
tag offer
Missing You
I thought we all need a missing you tag every once in awhile. I used the "Loneliness" kit by Bits N Bobs. It's in the gallery if you'd like to request one.

tag offer
I used the last kit in Polka Dot Scraps Twilight Saga, "Sunrise". All the kits have the most wonderful elements, and it's so hard to choose which one's to use. She's releasing a few more Twilight inspired kits so be on the lookout for them.

Scrappin Bratz,
tag offer,
To Choose a Friend
Picked up the last two of Polka Dot Scrap's Twilight Saga set. The one I used for this tag is "Outshine". Couldn't decide on a theme for this tag so I chose Bella choosing between Edward and Jacob. I think she made the right choice *s*.

Scrappin Bratz,
tag offer,
American Made
I know it's a little late for the 4th, but since patriotism never goes out of season, you can request this tag! I used Kittie's Sinful Scraps' "Americana" and it's available under the Patriotic category in the gallery.

Scrappin Bratz,
tag offer
I saw this pretty kit by Dana's Creative Studio called "Pink Flower" and wanted to make a tag from it. I think it turned out very pretty.

Twilight Scraps
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